Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Don't Worry!

For the past few months I've had a personal need that needed to be resolved. At first I wondered how it would be met and set it on the back burner while I tried to figure out how to fulfill my need. As the weeks of wonder rolled into months, I noticed that my wonder was turning into worry. I found myself worrying about how I would figure out how to fix the situation. Finally, after months of worry and useless attempts at self-sufficiency, I finally made a half-hearted, less than earnest attempt at asking God for help. To be honest with you, my prayer was much like a spoiled child who hasn't gotten their way and is forced to apologize or ask nicely for something. Looking back on it, I'm embarrassed at the way I prayed because it was a poor and pathetic attempt at approaching the God of the Universe for help. But in that moment of desired self-sufficiency and downright spiritual immaturity God taught me a valuable lesson.

See, God could have said no to this half-hearted attempt at prayer. Based on my attitude, I didn't deserve His help. He could have let me continue to wallow in my own self-sufficiency and self-pity over my inability to fulfill my need. He could have sat back and waited on a more mature version of myself to reconcile my needs and His ability and desire to provide. But He didn't. Like a good and gracious Father, He looked past my sinfulness, lack of respect, and I-can-do-this-myself attitude and He provided what I needed. Yesterday when He provided for this particular need, I was speechless (ask my wife, it's surprising when it happens because it doesn't happen often). But more importantly I was humbled. I was humbled that God had looked past all my faults and still loved me enough to provide for my needs. In that moment of humility before God I learned a valuable lesson that I seem to need to learn regularly. The lesson He taught me was to not worry. I had worried and fretted over how I would resolve my need. I had tried to figure out how I would fulfill my need. I found myself worrying about how I would fix my situation. All along what I needed to do was humble myself before God and pray, rather than worry. In His moment of provision, He reminded me of my inability to provide for myself and His desire and ability to provide for me. Reflecting on it now I'm still humbled by His act of generosity towards me, regardless of my attitude and pride.

Today if you are worrying over something, then I would encourage you to put down your pride and humble yourself before God. Ask Him for help with whatever situation you are facing and then trust Him for the answer. Don't make it a less than earnest appeal. Instead make it a whole-hearted appeal to Him who is able to supply. In His time, in His will, and in His way He will answer your prayer. It may not be the way you want or expect, but He will answer. So don't worry. Pray.

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