Monday, October 5, 2015

There is only one answer

It doesn't take long standing in line at the grocery store or Wal-Mart to see magazine, after magazine telling you everything you "want" to hear. Want the latest celebrity gossip? Check out this one. Want to know how to lose 50 pounds over the weekend? Read this article. Want to experience the best sex ever? Pick up this magazine. The problem with these magazines is they don't give you the truth, just a tantalizing headline to get you to buy their magazine. Is there any reason to read, participate in, or be concerned with gossip about anyone, much less a celebrity? No. Are the quick weight loss gimmicks usually quick and result in weight loss? No. Will a magazine written just to make a few bucks ever give you the truth about the "best sex ever?" Definitely not.

I recently saw a magazine cover promising the "best sex ever" and honestly I couldn't help but laugh. Just think, this is where our society is today. We're willing to seek for answers to one of life's more important relationship aspects in a magazine that will also tell you the 10 best ways to cook pasta. Seriously? When we live in a sex saturated society we can expect people, Christians and non-Christians alike, to seek out answers to questions about sex in all the wrong places. So if you've ever been curious about the best sex ever, I'll tell you there is only one answer to your questions.

Regardless of what society tells you in movies, magazines, TV shows, or romance novels, the best sex ever can only be experienced in one way. The one way God designed sex to be experienced was inside of the bonds of marriage between a man and woman who are in relationship with Him. God did not design sex to be experienced outside of this one way. 

God, in His infinite wisdom, designed sex for multiple reasons. Enjoyment, physical intimacy, and procreation of the human race. But as with all things that Satan gets his hands on, sex has been perverted and made into a joke, something that shouldn't be taken seriously. And therein lies the problem. Because our world no longer views sex as God intended it to be, we have people who think they can experience sex outside of God's design and still experience it in the way it is intended to be. 

The Bible is clear that any kind of sexual immorality outside of marriage is sin (see the references below). That means that fornication (sex between two unmarried people), adultery (sex between a married person and someone other than their spouse), or homosexual sex (sex between two people of the same gender) are all sin and are outside of God's design for sex. It doesn't matter if you're cohabitating, in a long term relationship, or looking for a hookup. Any sexual experience outside of God's design only leaves you scarred and longing for an authentic experience that only God's design can fulfill.

So if you want to experience the best sex ever, don't turn to a magazine or to the world's suggestions. Turn to the One who designed sex and seek out His plan for sex. Because you'll never find someone who only experienced sex as God designed and wished they didn't!

Here are a few scripture references to show you how the various forms of sexual immorality mentioned above should be avoided.

Matthew 15:19; Romans 1:24-28, 13:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 6:18-20, 10:8; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; and 1 Thessalonians 4:3.

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