Monday, May 4, 2015

Time to get off our butts.

"It's time to get off our butts and do what the church is supposed to be doing." I very vividly remember this statement being made in a sermon by a man I consider to be the closest thing I have to a little brother. But not just any sermon, his first sermon to beat it all. I remember sitting in the audience that day thinking, "I've never heard anyone say the word 'butt' from the pulpit before." Then I started thinking about what some of the older folks in the church were thinking about what he'd said. But (no pun intended) he had a very valid point that fit in with his message. We, the modern-day church, the collection of born again believers, must "get off our butts" and be about our Father's business.

Having grown up in church, having helped pastor one church, and now leading a church as the Senior Pastor, I've noticed some things about folks in the church. There are plenty that want to be involved. Those that want to see the church thrive and succeed. Those that want to see the church reaching unbelievers for Christ. But there are some categories of folks that need to get a copy of my little brother's sermon and pay close attention. Here are a few of those types of folks.

The Meddler
These are the folks that seem to be busy around the church and involved in all sorts of things but the only agenda they hope to accomplish is their own. They try to control areas of the church or ministries in the church just to satisfy their own desire for power. They will even go so far as to stir the pot with gossip and slander. In the end, the areas they meddle in don't help accomplish any Kingdom goal and most likely hurt the work of the church.

The Consultant
These are the folks who don't lift a finger to help with any ministry or activity but feel free to criticize those doing the work. They know how to do it better but won't help. They can tell you why your way won't work but they aren't willing to assist you. They may even show up only on Sunday mornings but tell you how all the other services and ministries need to be done differently. In the end, they just grate nerves and cause those doing the work to be frustrated and discouraged.

The Pewsitter
These are the folks that seem to only want to keep a place on a pew warm during a morning worship service. They show no initiative in wanting to help the church accomplish it's vision. They do not volunteer. If asked to help they hem and haw and don't give a straight answer. In the end, the most activity you will get from them in helping the church is them passing the offering plate down the row.

Hear me out before you send me emails about me being judgmental and condemning people. I didn't invent the personality types or encourage them not to participate in the church. I'm just sharing personality types I've witnessed in the church. That being said, if you're a Meddler, Consultant, Pewsitter or some other problem personality, I have some pastoral advice for you from a dear friend of mine. It's time for you to get off your butt and do what the church is supposed to be doing. Not serving your own agenda. Not criticizing the work others are doing. Not sitting watching everyone else do the work. God has called His children into this unique fellowship called the church. We are to do life together, serve together, rejoice together, grieve together, and reach unbelievers together. If you are doing anything else other than pulling alongside your fellow church members then you are hampering the work God is trying to do in your church. Don't be a problem for the church be a problem solver.

For those that aren't Meddlers, Consultants, Pewsitters, or any other problematic personality, I say keep working your butts off. Lead the way so others see what needs to be done. Encourage others to get involved with you. Keep working for the Kingdom as you help your church accomplish it's vision.

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1 comment:

  1. As an almost 75 (gulp)year old woman,who watched Pastor Nick grow up in the church,I was drawn to his blog with his catchy title. After being reeled in,there I found much to hold my attention.

    I have belonged to approximately 13 churches in my life. I have witnessed all of these personalities of whom he spoke. Check,I have been some of them. Have to thank him for the kick in the ....You say it Nick..I just can't.

    Thanks for being such a royal ambassador for our Lord and calling it like it is. I long to remove myself from that pew and serve Him better.
