Monday, January 19, 2015

I've Got You Covered!

On the mission trips I've led in the past we ate good, I mean really good! We had a dedicated crew of cooks that did a great job of keeping us well fed so we could work hard completing the tasks God had put in front of us. I have to confess though that of all the meals I enjoyed on our mission trips one meal from a mission trip to Vermont really sticks out to me and (sorry to those that were on that cooking crew) it was at KFC. When we ate meals at fast food restaurants I handed out the cash to the people in the front of the line and they'd pass the change back to the next person and so on and so on. This is the most efficient way to get meals paid for with a large group. Most of the time I would work my way through the lines replenishing low funds so that we could have everything taken care of quickly. When we were leaving Vermont to come back home on this particular trip we ate lunch at a local KFC. Since we were the only people in line I stood at the front of the line handing out money and collecting change as our team ordered their food. As I stood their God spoke to me as I made a comment to one of our team members when I jokingly said something along the lines of “Here, I’ve got you covered!” Here I was taking care of everything financially for our team and continually handing out what was needed to get us through this situation. God spoke to me reminding me that this is how it is in our relationship with Him.

When we think about our times of suffering, that we all face at one time or another, and then look at our relationship with God, what are we hearing from Him? Is our relationship such that when we face those difficult times that we can’t hear God for all the noise of the storm around us? Or is our relationship with God so tight that the storm can rage all it wants because we can hear that still, small voice in our ear saying “I’ve got you covered.”

God’s Word reminds us repeatedly that no matter what difficulty we face, no matter how bleak the future looks in front of us that God is in control and that He has us covered, no matter what! Psalm 32:6-7 tells us “Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to You while You may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Let this scripture from Psalms encourage us that no matter how high the waters rise around us we will not be overwhelmed because God is there to provide for us.

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